Tenant Screening

Credasys is a full service background information provider specializing in Tenant Screening


1. Credit Profile $15.95 $31.90
2. State Eviction $9.95 $19.90
3. State Criminal $19.95 $39.90
4. National eviction $19.95 $39.95
5. National Criminal $25.95 $51.90
6. Verification of Landlord $9.95 $12.95
7. Verification of Employer $9.95 $17.95
8. Address Search $5.95 $8.95
9. Address plus SSN Search $7.95 $10.95
10. Bankruptcy/Lien/Judgement Report $7.95 $12.95
11. OFAC (Terrorist Search) $5.95 $8.95


It’s a necessity.

In the fast paced world that we live in today, identity theft and bad debt have become common place. Fully aware of the importance of protecting your investment and your property, Credasys provides full tenant screening services as a prevention tool. Our broad services offer reliable information on a person’s credit background, criminal history, identity verification, eviction records, etc. Each of these services offers different facets of a person to help you determine what kind of risk they are. An accurate screening will ultimately save you time and money by preventing damages, skips, evictions, insufficient funds, etc.

As always, our main priority is customer satisfaction with the quality of our service. Tenant screening can be done 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and our customer service department is open Monday through Friday from 8:00am to 5:00pm PST. Our live representatives are ready to assist you determine which option is best for you.

Our advanced software ensures that information is available to you instantly right on-line. Yes, that’s right-results come back to you in all of 10 seconds!

If you have any questions call 949-484-0822